Debenhams Returns Policy

For the most up-to-date information about Debenhams returns, we advise you to read the full policy on the retailer’s website before attempting to return an item. This will ensure that you know your rights as a customer, as Debenhams online returns policy may be subject to change.

You are welcome to obtain an exchange or refund within 28 days of your item’s delivery, with the full amount being credited to the card you used to make the payment. If you purchased an item using a Debenhams gift card and wish to obtain a refund, this will be credited to the gift card.

Items can be returned in store, via Royal Mail or via a courier such as tntparcels. The latter is useful if you do not have time to queue up in the post office and require the item to be collected from your door. Courier collection is free to UK and Northern Ireland customers for many products (the website lists those products which are excluded). To book a courier collection, you will need to have the 16 digit barcode number to hand (this can be found on the carrier label of the parcel’s packaging) – it’s that simple.

Return your item by courier today!

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